Life Ahead, Mixed media on canvas, 23 x 20, Process Video. 2021.

Image Description: Black background with a round-topped green tree and green horizon with yellow and orange outline around the horizon and tree, like a halo. The green areas of the land and the tree’s leaves and bark are tactile and come off of the canvas, while the colors of the outline horizon and black background are acrylic and 2D on canvas.

Creative Expression is the vehicle to healing, love is the driver. My name is Trisheena Bolakale. I am a neurodivergent Self Taught Creative Expressionist. I believe that love and intentionality must exist in everything that I create. As a survivor of childhood abuse, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and other mental, physical and emotional traumas, I know that there are some cracks on my path- but trauma is not the carrier of my journey. I have found the beauty and healing qualities of creative expression which gave a voice to the little girl inside of who has felt silenced for so long. She speaks freely now. Having to mother my own children and myself, without a traditional village- I have found love, support and comfort in those who made a choice to love support and comfort us. My artistry is an expression of this and all of life’s beautiful intricacies that have healed me along the way.


Life ahead: apologetic, not sorry. Trisheena Bolakale "Miss Tee". 2 min 23 sec Process Video. 2024. This poem is the verbal expression of life ahead.


Image Description: Trisheena Bolakale “Miss Tee” smiling with crossed arms in a black turtleneck, black suspenders, black Victorian-esque cameo with lace and tied bows around their neck. Their hair is cut short and they are wearing large gold dangly earrings.

Trisheena Bolakale “Miss Tee”

As a neurodivergent Self taught creative expressionist, life, love and intentionality exists in everything that I create. The Purple Flowers Network is a nonprofit that I am in the grassroots stage of organizing. Purple Flowers for me represent beauty in the midst of turmoil; love in the midst of pain and the reminder that hope can dwell almost anywhere. The mission of the Purple Flowers Network is to provide trainings, workshops, support and advocacy for teaching creative expression as a means of healing childhood trauma and other wounds in an effort to living and being well. The Purple Flowers Network will eventually comprise of supportive programs for single moms, parents who suffer from mental health diagnoses and so much more using Creative Expression as a vehicle. Currently I paint, write poetry, cater and do other crafts where I tell my story of healing, being and loving life.