All of Me: Artists + Mothers, María Velasco[digital//color//16:9//stereo//07:40//english]. Directed by María Velasco. Produced and Edited by María Velasco and Bryce Heesacker. 2019


All of Me: Artists+Mothers features three women whose divergent life circumstances have led them to negotiate their role as mothers and artists very differently. Battling impostor syndrome, juggling the stigma of single parenting, refusing traditional child-rearing roles in a markedly patriarchal world are some of the experiences they share in common, besides arriving at the tiny town of Paonia to spend a few weeks at Elsewhere Studios to make new works of art.

María Velasco creates site-specific environments, participatory projects, and public art interventions in national and international venues such as The Soap Factory, the ARC Gallery, the Spencer Museum of Art and the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts. She is a Professor of Visual Art at the University of Kansas, in Lawrence.