Victory to the Mother! Katie Cercone, Video, 12 min 50 sec video excerpts from 3 hour performance, 2021
Featured in the Anthropology of Motherhood: Kinship & Othermothering Film Series at the Harris Theater with the Three Rivers Arts Festival in 2024.


My ongoing practice encompasses installation art, assemblage, performance and socially engaged community ritual. As a yogi and artist of over twenty years, it is through my Art practice that I began to develop a modern sense of the spiritual anchored in archetypal female power. I make art crystallizing around bringing the power of consciousness back to sexuality. Probing the archetypal realm for intersectional, intergenerational and ancestral healing, my installations, wearables and happenings are an Art form bloated with the genital poetry of the Goddess. My textile works are fabric based sculptural pieces made from recycled materials that have multiple uses as ritual talismans, wearables, dreamcatchers and traveling altars. All these aspects function as would yantras - crystallizing my relatedness to all that is, the woven, devouring nature of reality. More immersive installations become experimental spaces for ritual play for creatives inclined to the sacred arts. Unorthodox Yogis blending spiritual practice with indigenous intuited herstories, hip hop artists fusing the rap cipher and Hindu kirtan - “mother tongues” based on the power of call and response. This work is based in my long-term, active engagement cross-pollinating the languages of embodied feminism, yoga, folk-mythologies, the shamanic impulse and holistic hip hop.

Alees Yvon as KALI MA!
Elisa Garcia de la Huerta as PATCHAMAMA
Kelly.Shaw.Nyala as BRIGID
Fanny Perez as HURACAN
& Or Nah as TRILLITH (the True + Real Lilith)
Visuals by Laura Kimmel (METAGASM)
Edited by Katie Cercone Much gratitude to Grace Exhibition Space & Rosekill Art farm for the generous donation of space. This work was made possible, in part, by the Franklin Furnace Fund supported by Jerome Foundation, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.


Image Description: Katie Cercone in transparent neon light green and black jacket with beaded chainmail face covering over most of their face, except for their blue eyes.


Katie Cercone Or Nah is an artist, scribe, priextexx and spiritual gangsta hailing from the blessed coast. Cercone has performed or shown work in exhibitions at the Brooklyn Museum, Bronx Museum, Dallas Contemporary, Momenta Art, C24 Gallery, Changjiang Museum China, Dodge Gallery and Aljira Center for Contemporary Art. She has published critical writing in ART PAPERS, White Hot, Posture, Brooklyn Rail, Hysteria, Bitch Magazine, Utne Reader and N.Paradoxa. As co-leader of the radical, queer, transnational feminist collective Go! Push Pops, Cercone spearheaded a 400-women strong takeover of the Whitney Museum in 2014 known as “The Clitney Perennial,” and was awarded the Culture Push Fellowship for Utopian Practice the same year. In 2015 she was a J.U.S.F.C. Fellow for the U.S.-Japan Exchange Program in Tokyo. Her work has been featured in Dazed, MILK, Interview, Japan Times, Huffington Post, ART 21, Hyperallergic, PAPER, Art Fag City, Washington Post, and Art Net TV among others. Cercone has curated shows for Momenta Art, KARST (UK), Cue Art Foundation, Local Project and NurtureArt. Cercone is adjunct faculty at the School of Visual Arts where she teaches GENDER TROUBLE in the Visual & Critical Studies Department. A pioneer of Hip Hop Yoga Katie was awarded the Franklin Furnace Award Fund in 2020.

Image Description: Katie Cercone in neon green body corset top, neon yellow and light blue cateye eye shadow, a necklace with a heart and beads, and two long, dark ponytails with five hair ties bunching hair on each side. Their right arm is held up and behind them, with the elbow reaching up and hand, touching right ponytail.